My Time at Operation Spark

Ian Wright
5 min readMar 21, 2021


My journey in a coding bootcamp is almost over and for my final blog I thought it would be nice to reflect. Back in June of 2020 I attended my first info session, at that time I had no idea what was about to come my way and how my life was about to change so much. Throughout this whole experience the one thing i’ve taken is that you can accomplish anything that you set your heart to. At the time I was working a job I did not like and a future with lots of question marks and the only way I saw out was going back to school. After attending the info session, then and there I decided to sign up and enter prep!

Photo by Joshua Aragon on Unsplash


My journey started June 22, 2020 and the feeling of trying something new and going out of my comfort zone is something that I remember so well. My first day I was so excited to learn something and prove to myself that Im capable of learning! Prep was only two weeks and I enjoyed every minute of it, though it was difficult. I remember being introduced to a simple for loop and how I was so scared of them and praying it was not going to be on the test. When the test came, all I could think about how nervous I was and anxious. I passed the test within 15 minutes and was so excited to go to bootcamp, a six week long course that would prepare me for the fundamentals of JavaScript.


Bootcamp was an amazing experience for me, I was already so happy to have passed prep and I was shocked to see the decrease in students 60 to 30. This is where I started to feel the imposter syndrome, throughout the six weeks I never felt I knew anything. During these times I would question if I was good enough or should be there. While in bootcamp I met a really good friend, he and I would run the same marathton all the way up until today which I’m very grateful for. Thankfully I never fell behind, I have a craving not to rest until the work is done just for my own piece of mind. One thing about bootcamp and the whole experience in general is that time goes by extremely fast. One day bootcamp was starting then the next it was study week, this is where I felt I finally was ready for the exam. Thankfully I passed and was going to pre-course and I would like to thank my instructor Ryan McFarland for the great experience and being great person!


To say the least this is where and when the stress and very long days started. My first day was the day me and git became enemies and I thought I would not make it past this stage. I would say I feel behind on day one and the next three weeks were the most difficult times i’ve faced. At this point I felt i wasn’t ready for immersion and I lacked the confidence of a successful engineer. After a week I finally got my head together but would soon be meet by 15 hour days for about a week and the feeling of being behind. I ended up being exhausted and mentally drained then when I took my exam I failed. It could of been a bad thing but I was positive and I went back to bootcamp for two weeks and the confident leader , composed engineer who I am today was born. Me failing was a great thing and I’m very grateful for that experience because it help make me who I am today, I later returned to pre-cousre and passed and without a doubt I was ready for Immersion!

Junior Immersion

When I began immersion I truly felt I was in the big leagues now, as funny as it sounds I didn't feel like pray but a predator! I was ready to attack and become the best I could be and there was nothing that could stop me from finishing what I started. My level of gauging how ‘hard’ a class is , is with the first pre course I went through. Junior immersion was not hard in the beginning for me but it was definitely a challenge. I was always able to stay ahead that was the key, I never felt I was better than anyone with my coding skills. Most of the time in junior I actually felt what the heck am I doing am I even learning anything? Well to say now yes I did, but it’s normal to say i don't know when the process is so fast. By the end of junior I felt ready but still nervous for the test. I ended up padding the junior exam and I did much better than I felt I did, I actually learned react on the test! Overall junior was great , at the end were the long nights but never was bad as that first pre course. I would like to thank my instructor Peter Barnum for also being an amazing person and great mentor without him I would not be where I am right now.

Senior Immersion

The final stage, the last piece of the puzzle senior immersion! I was proud of myself just to make it this far and I was beyond excited to start the beginning of the end. So far it’s been a great time and something i’ve enjoyed are the great teams i’ve been apart of. Tomorrow is the day we present our final application and i'm so proud of what I’ve been able to do. Senior has been the most work yet its been so relaxed and calm. It had its moment of stress and difficulties but I was always able to overcome it. Again I’d like to thank my instructor Josh, it’s been a great time and the awesome conversations will be missed!


From day one until now I’d say the whole entire journey was worth it. Looking back I have zero regrets and I can honestly say it’s an experience i've enjoyed so much. If anyone needs the motivation to leave the bad careers and unhappy jobs i suggest taking that leap and joining a code camp. Only you can stop yourself and with the dedication you will survive and come out so much better off. Thank you Operation Spark i am grateful for the opportunity and for the future!



Ian Wright
Ian Wright

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